Friday 5 November 2010

Avent Feeding Bottles

Yesterday i bought this baby bottles untuk my anak.. i heard a lot of gud things abt dis brand.. but pelik pulak.. why my son macam tak 'comfortable' wit it.. herm.. any possible reason aaa? help! help!

  actually.. i buy pun cos nak cuba kelainan sikit... tp anak pulak macam tak mahu.. hehehehee... sabar je la...


MaMabel said...

Deb, I've read some good reviews about this brand and get some recommendations from friends. I've bought few bottles for my new bundle of joy which will make her debut in Jan next year and I hope she'd like it. fingers crossed!

Nimi said...

maybe the teat design. kalau dr baby dia biasa with one type, normally they will stick to that type for long time. my baby dah biasa with MAM type, coba nok bulat ya nya sik pandei indah nya nginsap..